Panel Discussion: Climate Change and Its Local, Regional and International Implications
Sunday, October 13th 2013
4:00 pm – College Hill United Methodist Church
2930 E. 1st Street North, Wichita, KS 67214 – Phone: (316) 683-4643
At once one of the most talked-about, yet misunderstood, issues in American life, climate change is already having some significant impacts—here in Kansas, regionally, and around the world. This panel discussion is intended to bring good, fact-based information about how climate change is affecting us now, and how it will continue to affect our lives and our society in the future. Speakers on the panel hold expertise in their subject areas and are well-qualified to address questions of “What are the facts?”, “What can we do about it?” and “Where do we go from here?”
Panelist will include:
- Dr. Johannes Feddema, Chair of the Geography Department at the University of Kansas, on the science of climate change
- Brig. Gen. (ret’d) W. Christopher King, of Staff and General College at Ft. Leavenworth, on the national security im-plications of global climate change
- Donn Teske, Executive Director of Kansas Farmers Union, on the implications for Kansas agriculture and rural life
- Rabbi Moti Rieber, Director of Kansas Interfaith Power & Light, on the faith and moral implications of climate change
- A representative from the energy sector to be announced.
The panel will be moderated by Judy Burgess of the Southwind Group of the Kansas Sierra Club.
The event is sponsored by Southwind Group of Kansas Sierra Club and Kansas Interfaith Power & Light.